RVUCOM-Southern Utah Associations, Clubs & Organizations
Welcome to Internal Medicine Interest Group
IMIG strives to promote and educate the RVU community about Internal Medicine and its subspecialties. Through our educational seminars and community service projects, we aim to inspire the next generation of internal medicine doctors.
Proposed Events in 2024-2025:
Fall Club Fair
Internal Medicine vs. Family Medicine
U of U rural internal medicine residency program info session
Monthly Heme/Onc Journal Club
Fall Festival
RVU Heart Month
Chat with M4s that matched IM
Walk with Autism
Potential Guest Speakers in:
Infectious Disease​
Many more!
Photos of Past Events
Top Photo: Ginamarie Foglia, DO speaking about her career in Infectious Disease and her path to choosing her particular specialty. Dr. Foglia is currently located on the RVU Southern Utah Campus and we are hoping to have her speak with us again this year!
Bottom Three Photos: IMIG hosted Heart Month in February in a national effort to raise awareness about risk factors for heart disease, prevention, and how it may manifest differently in women compared to men. The first Friday of the month, student wore red, shared a heart-healthy goal for the month, and received a free RVU Heart Month sticker designed by Student Doctor Mallory Thompson.
Left Photo: Group of IMIG Club members volunteering at the Switch Point Kitchen. Students cooked and served pizza for those within the Saint George Community that lacked food security.
Right Photo: Student Doctor Erin Robbins show-casing her beautifully painted box for the Utah Food Bank. During this event, students decorated boxes that would later be filled with food and delivered to families in need during the holiday season.
IMIG Leadership
OMS-I Representative
How to Join IMIG:
Join our TEAM page by using the following code: